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Blackberry to shutdown consumer version of BBM on May 31st

BBM is the first consumer messaging service and it was at a time the most popular messaging app, it also contributed to the success of blackberry smartphones. But then, WhatsApp was born and that was the beginning of the death of BBM same way Android and iOS contributed to the death of BlackBerry OS.
After BlackBerry OS was discontinued, blackberry made BBM available on other mobile platforms like Android and iOS but unfortunately the app couldn't compete with rivals like WhatsApp, telegram, messenger etc, so Blackberry has finally decided to pull the plug on the consumer version of the app.

According to an official post on blackberry's own blog, users won’t be able to use BBMoji after May 31 and existing rewards after May 20. The page also notes that Emtek will delete data like channels and feeds within seven days of the service shutting down and data from its cloud infrastructure within 180 days.

keep in mind that only the consumer version of BBM will be discontinued on May 31. Starting from April 18, BBM Enterprise will be available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. BBM Enterprise is free for the first year and costs $2.49 for six months of service.

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