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You will Soon be Able to Post your Instagram Stories Directly to WhatsApp

The Instagram story which is a cloned feature from Snapchat has managed to gain a lot of popularity within the shortest period of time. The feature which was introduced to Instagram in March of 2017 had over 300 million daily users as at November of 2017. 
Due to the features popularity, Facebook also integrated the feature into its other apps such as WhatsApp and Messenger. Now, latest report has it that Facebook is currently working on a cross posting of stories from Instagram story directly to WhatsApp status.

The feature which is currently available to a few selected early testers in Brazil makes it possible to directly share your Instagram stories to WhatsApp as a WhatsApp status. The shared stories are all protected by WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption and will disappear after 24 hours just like your regular WhatsApp status.

According to a statement by Facebook spokesperson to TechCrunch;
“We are always testing ways to improve the experience on Instagram and make it easier to share any moment with the people who matter to you,” 
At the moment, this new feature is only available to a few beta testers and there is no official statement from Facebook yet as to when it will be available to everyone.

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