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Samsung Starts Roll out of the Official Android 8.0 Oreo Update to Some Galaxy Note 8 Devices

Although there hasn't been an official announcement yet from Samsung, latest report from Reddit has it that some Samsung Galaxy Note 8 users have already started receiving the official Android 8.0 Oreo update on their devices.
This is still more of a random rollout has there hasn't been any official announcement from Samsung and not all users have gotten the new update yet. Also, have it in mind that Samsung plans on ending the beta program for Galaxy S8 and S8+ Plus users on January 15th which is another strong indication that the official rollout isn't far away.

There hasn't been any official ChangeLog yet for the new update with build no; R16NW.N950FXXU2CRA1.DM. but below is the list of noticeable changes as compiled by a Reddit user.
  1. Update to the keyboard
  2. Picture in picture support (so far I have noticed it in YouTube and google maps)
  3. App specific long press menus from launcher (can no longer put apps to sleep from that menu or open app settings)
  4. Secure folder can be set to stay unlocked until the screen goes to sleep
  5. Autofill API support (with bio-metrics) for all apps, and browser
  6. Colored media notifications
  7. Notification categories
  8. Customization options for notification badges
  9. Keyboard uses gify for gif search support (doesn't work in gboard with stock messaging still)
  10. More edge lighting options
  11. Ability to ONLY view Samsung cloud items
  12. Ability to backup Samsung secure folder in Samsung cloud
  13. Bluetooth, high-quality audio codecs
  14. Manage passwords of Samsung and third party apps with Samsung pass
  15. Android Security patch for January

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