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Facebook Introduced "Find Wi-Fi"; Which Let's You Locate Free Wi-Fi Around You

Facebook has really transformed from just a regular social media app to part of our daily lifestyle. With the app, you can buy, sell, shop online and do a lot more.
Now Facebook is introducing another new feature which they call "Find Wi-Fi". This new feature displays a map of the user's area with locations and businesses where free Wi-Fi can be accessed. In order to work, the app needs full access to your location.

This new feature which is only available for iOS users at the moment is still in beta stage and is currently available in a few regions only.

According to a statement by Facebook's spokesman,
“To help people stay connected to the friends and experiences they care about, we are rolling out a new feature that surfaces open Wi-Fi networks associated with nearby places"

How To Use This Feature On iOS
=> Make sure your Facebook app is updated to the latest version.
=> Go to your menu option and locate "Find Wi-Fi".
=> Enable the option and it should open a map which will show you nearby free Wi-Fi.

Note that for you to use this feature in your phone, you must grant the App full access to your location.

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