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Samsung Has Finally Revealed The Reason Why Some Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Explodes

The Samsung note 7 really had a very good start with demands exceeding their initial expectations and millions of units being sold within a very short period of time. But the whole story changed when the exploding battery saga came into picture.
At least, they have been over 35 reported cases mostly in South Korea and USA and this has even lead to a global ban on the usage of Samsung note 7 devices when boarding an airplane. Although Samsung has already taken a swift action to recall all the Samsung note 7 that has been sold globally but one thing everyone is curious to know is the cause of the exploding batteries.

Now Samsung has finally come out to give an official statement on the cause of this problems. According to Samsung, the whole incident was caused by an issue with the battery cell. An overheating of the battery cell occurred when the anode-to-cathode came into contact.
Below is the official statement by Samsung
“Based on our investigation, we learned that there was an issue with the battery cell. An overheating of the battery cell occurred when the anode-to-cathode came into contact which is a very rare manufacturing process error. We are working with multiple suppliers to ensure that a rigorous inspection process is conducted to ensure the quality of our replacement units and we do not anticipate any further battery issues.”
Until mobile phone manufacturers are able to make a breakthrough from the lithium ion batteries that our mobile device are currently using and switch to a better option, I think we are still one way or the other faced with the risk of battery explosion.

The main reason why lithium batteries are used as anode in high capacity batteries is because of its high electrochemical potential. However lithium batteries are known to be highly reactive and prone to thermal runaway which most times can be very destructive.

Thermal runaway is a situation where an increase in temperature causes the cells to break open thereby resulting in further increase in temperature, often leading to a destructive result. This can be caused by physical damage, overheating of the cell, design flaw or an internal short circuit which most likely is the case of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

According to Samsung, shipping of the Note 7 will resume in October while Replacement units will be available for those in Europe on the 19th of September and those in Australia on the 21st of September. Although there hasn't been an official date for those in other regions but am pretty sure it will be within the same time frame.

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