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One Of The New Samsung Galaxy Note 7 "Safe Units" Has Just Exploded In China

Just when we thought it's all over. There has been another news making rounds on the internet about another Samsung Galaxy Note 7 exploding in China. What makes this news more of a shocker is the fact that this Device happens to be one of the new units marked safe by Samsung.

Until now, China hasn't been much affected by the Samsung Note 7 battery exploding issue. Although there have been 3 cases before but Samsung disclaimed two of them while blaming the explosion on an external heat.  Samsung started a global Recall of the note 7 after the news of the device exploding went viral. China has been excluded from the Recall exercise and this is due to the fact that units of Note 7 shipped to China uses Amperex Technology Ltd (ATL) batteries which samsung claimed are not defective compared to the problematic Samsung SDI components. 

If confirmed to be true, this news might put the whole Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall in jeopardy as the device that was said to have exploded happens to be one of the new units marked safe.
According to the Chinese owner of the exploded Galaxy Note 7  Hui Renjie, He ordered for the device on JD.com during the weekend and it arrived the same day after which he charged the smartphone overnight, but noticed early the next morning that something was wrong. And that was when he noticed that the device was emitting a black smoke before it finally burst into flame. 
Although Samsung hasn't released an official statement yet to affirm or dismiss the claim, but the pictures shared by the owner shows the exploded Samsung Note 7 and the sticker at the back show it was one of the units marked safe by Samsung. The IMEI was even checked on Samsung's recall checker page and the message displayed showed that it was one of the safe units.
Your device is not in the list of affected devices and is not subject to this recall. If you have any other questions please contact us at 1-844-365-6197.
If this news is confirmed to be true after carrying out investigation, then it might do further damage Samsung's reputation and also affect Samsung's market in China.

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