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Latest Ntel unlimited free browsing without any VPN or special settings

I remember posting it here sometime last month that Ntel was browsing free without any VPN or special settings. That was the first time Ntel was doing it and the free browsing lasted for a couple of days before it finally got blocked.

Now, it looks like it's back again as Ntel SIM has just started browsing free without any active subscription, special settings or even VPN. All you need to do is to insert your Ntel SIM into your phone or MIFI and start browsing.

Keep in mind that this is just a glitch from Ntel's part and as usual, it will eventually stop working at some point. But before that happens just make sure you enjoy it to the fullest.

Also note that the Ntel unlimited free browsing cheat with HA Tunnel Plus VPN is still blazing as fast as ever before and you can get the full settings by clicking on this link.

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