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Download Google Camera (GCam) 7.4 for Xioami Mi 11 / Mi 11 Ultra

Even though the camera App on Xioami smartphones has improved over the years and that has resulted in better camera picture quality, the company is still behind brands like Samsung, Apple and Google Pixel.

The good news however is that most smartphone users have been able to get better camera quality from thier smartphone, all thanks to the various GCam Apps.

For those who don't really know what GCam is, it's the short form for Google Camera and it's the default camera App for the Pixel smartphone lineup. The App uses Google's advance algorithm to take better HDR pictures.

There are a whole lot of GCam Apps out there and getting compatible ones for your phone might a hassle sometimes. For uses of the Xioami Mi 11 and the Mi 11 Ultra, you can use the NGCam_7.4.104-v2.0.Apk which is based on Google Camera version 7.4.104.

  • Final version
  • Added isDefaultsLite device config by default
  • Added new icons and styles
  • Changed Etalon7+ lib to NR57W15T17 
  • Updated translations 
  • Fixed and improved Pixel Binning viewfinder button
  • Fixed AUX video crash, need enabled restart first 
  • Some small changes and fixes

Download Google Camera (GCam) 7.4.104 for Xiaomi Mi 11 (Venus) and Mi 11 Ultra / Pro (Star):
How to Install (Google Camera) GCam on Xiaomi Mi 11 (Venus) and Mi 11 Ultra / Pro (Star):
  • If you have a different version of GCAM already installed, then it is advisable to uninstall previous version of GCam on your phone.
  • Download the GCam App from the link below.
  • Install and launch the App.
  • For better performance, download and import the config file from the link below.
  • Manual device configs are located in "Settings > Advanced > Device model > Input model". This will help you to solve some issues if you faced it on the device I cannot test GCam (e.g. if your shutter button is broken I suggest you to try isDefaultsLite config)
  • isDefaultsLite seems to be better on all devices. So I set it by default. Just remember, that you always able to change it in settings
  • Pixel Binning button now works without restart

Download GCam 7.4.104 Config file for Xiaomi Mi 11 (Venus) and Mi 11 Ultra / Pro (Star):
Config Files for Xiaomi Mi 11 (Venus):

Config Files for Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra / Pro (Star):

For instructions on how to import the Config file, click HERE.

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