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Latest Glo, Airtel and 9mobile free browsing cheat with UTLoop V2Ray VPN - 2021

It's looks like Airtel has finally blocked the unlimited free browsing cheat that we have all been enjoying for quite sometime now. Even though the Airtel unlimited free browsing cheat is gone (at least for now), there are still a few other options to choose from.

One of the other alternatives to the Airtel cheat is the Glo unlimited free browsing cheat which has also been around for sometime. However, if Glo network is not so great in your location, then you can either settle for the Airtel 500MB daily free browsing cheat or the 9mobile free browsing cheat which is also capped.

I have already posted a couple of VPNs in the past and most of them are still working fine, but I will be giving you guys more options by adding one more to the list which is the V2RAY UT Loop by Uchetechs.

Just like other V2Ray based VPNs, this one also let's you either import personal config files or use one of the already pre-installed files which is all we need. All you do is choose one of the available tweaks depending on your network.

Below is the detailed guide on how to go about this. Kindly follow the simple instructions below and you should be good to go.

How to configure the Airtel, 9mobile and Glo unlimited free browsing cheat with V2Ray by UtLoop VPN
  • An Airtel or 9mobile SIM card (No data required).
  • For Glo users, get a Glo SIM card with small data to connect the app (N.b: you can recharge N100 to get free data from Glo or subscribe to any plan of your choice ).
  • V2ray by UtLoop App: Download from Here or here.

How to Activate:
  • Download and install the V2Ray App from any of the 2 links provided above.
  • Launch the V2ray App.
  • Tap on the three horizontal lines at the top right corner or swipe from left to right to bring up the menu options. 
  • Select "Update Tweaks". (Note: You will need active data to load the tweaks).

  • Wait for a few seconds for the files to load up or close and open the App again.

For Airtel Users:
  • On the main page Select either NGA | Airtel 500MB d1 or d2.

  • After that, just click on start at the bottom to connect.
  • After connecting, tap below the start button to know if it successfully connected.
  •  Incase it doesn't work, just turn your data connection off and on again.
  • That's all.
  • Keep on mind that this particular files are not unlimited and they are capped daily.

For 9mobile Users:
  • On the main page Select either NGA | 9mobile  300MB / DAILY.

  • After that, just click on start at the bottom to connect.
  • After connecting, tap below the start button to know if it successfully connected.
  •  Incase it doesn't work, just turn your data connection off and on again.
  • That's all.
  • Note that this is also capped daily like the Airtel.

For Glo Users:
  • Make sure there is data on your Glo SIM or load N100 airtime to get free data (your data won't be touched).
  • On the main page Select any of the two NGA | Glo unlimited files.

  • After that, just click on start at the bottom to connect.
  • After connecting, tap below the start button to know if it successfully connected.
  • That's all.
Note for Glo users: In other to make sure Glo doesn't deduct your data incase the VPN disconnects, follow the instructions below.
  • Go to your phone settings and search for VPN.
  • Tap on VPN and click on the settings icon in front of the V2ray by UtLoop.
  • Turn on "Always on VPN" and "Block connection without VPN"
  • That's all

If you have any question, kindly drop it in the comment section below.
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