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Glo WTF Data bundle, Get 500MB for N100, 200MB for N50 and 100MB for N25

We are pretty much in the social media age and almost everyone of us spends most of our time on one of the various social media platforms out there. So it is just normal we get an affordable data plan that helps us navigate all this websites easily.
Glo has however decided to release a new data bundle which it calls the WTF bundle. This gives users affordable data plan prices which they can use on WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook only.

With the Glo WTF bundle, users will get 100MB for N25, 200MB for N50 and 500MB for just N100. The best part of it is that this data plan works for both old and new Glo users.

Glo WTF data bundle plan, price and validity period

How to activate the Glo WTF data bundle
  • Dial *777# on your Glo line
  • Select Data bundles > Social bundle
  • Select your preferred WTF bundle plan from the list

Data BundlePriceValidity period
Glo 500MBN1001 Month (30 days)
Glo 200MBN501 week (7 days)
Glo 100MBN251 day (24 hours)

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