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Twitter now let's iOS users tweet voice note messages

Twitter has always being the platform a whole lot of people go to when they want to express their selfs to thousands or even millions of followers in just few words. You can express yourself with text, GIFs, videos and even pictures. One thing that has always being missing is the option to tweet using Voicenotes.
That however won't be the case anymore as twitter has just added a new feature which will enable its users to share Voicenotes. At the moment, this new feature is still in testing stage and it's only available to a couple of iOS users.

To use the new voice note feature, tap on the tweet composer and tap on the new icon with a wavelength logo. You will see a new window which wil display your profile picture and a record button below it. Click on the record button to start recording.

You are limited to 140 seconds of recording per Voicenote. If you however have more to say, you can keep recording and Twitter will automatically create a thread after every 140 seconds. Once you are done recording, just tap on done.

For now, this new voice note recording feature is only available to a few iOS users, but it will be available to all iOS users in the coming weeks.


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