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Official HavocOS V2.5 for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5/Pro [Whyred] [08.05.2019]

A new Havoc ROM update has just rolled out for Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 / Pro users and it comes with a couple of improvements as well as bug fixes. The HAVOC-OS ROM  based on AOSP with a whole lot of inspiration from Pixel Experience. The ROM has a refined Material Design 2 UI and it also comes with a whole lot of features that you most likely wouldn't find on other custom ROMs.
The new HavocOS V2.5 for Redmi Note 5 (Whyred) comes with  the latest May security patch, live display, Android Q style bar icon, reading mode, and a couple of many other new features and fixes. Below is the full changelog.

Update - 08/05/2019
What's New -

Device Changelog - 
• Wait for MPCTL to start on boot
• Filter and remap display modes
• Upstreamed Kernel with tag v4.4.179
ROM Changelog -

• Merged May security patches
• Added LiveDisplay
• Added Pocket Judge
• Added Force fullscreen for apps
• Added Lockscreen visualizer customizations
• Added Android Q style battery icon
• Added Reading mode QS tile
• Added advanced location tile options
• Improved QS detail view
• Removed proximity check on wake
• Fixed Battery icon padding
• Fixed In-call UI layout
• Fixed three finger swipe for screenshot
• Fixed status bar icon animation
How to Install
>> Download the ROM and GApps from the download links` below.
>> Make sure you have TWRP installed.
>> Reboot your phone into recovery.
>> Wipe System, Dalvik, Cache and Data(if you are flashing from another ROM).
>> Install both the ROM and GApps.
>> Reboot your phone to system.
>> Enjoy.
Download Links
Latest ROM: Download Here or Here
Open Gapps: Download Here

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