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Xiaomi Mi A1 starts receiving Stable Android 9 Pie Update

One of the benefits of having an Android One powered smartphone is timely updates. Xiaomi commenced the closed Android Pie beta program for the Mi A1 about two days ago, and now the stable version has started rolling out. This is coming just few weeks after the Mi A2 received the stable Android Pie update.
The update which is 1074MB in size comes with the major Android Pie features like Adaptive battery and brightness, new navigation gestures and many more. Xiaomi has also added support for FM radio in this new update which wasn't present before.

The update has already started rolling out, but since it's in batches, it might take a few days before every user finally receives the update. Once you get the update notification, make sure your phone is charged and you are connected to a strong WiFi network before you proceed.

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