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China bans sales of iPhone X, iPhone 8 and older Models in the Country due to patent violations

Qualcomm has just won a legal battle against Apple at China's Fuzhou Intermediate People’s Court. The court has ordered immediate ban on sales and importation of the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X in China.
The court agreed that Apple violated two parents which belongs to Qualcomm. The patents are related to resizing photos and navigating apps on a touchscreen. Apple initially claimed that this are software patents and will only affect iPhones shipped with iOS 11 and not iOS 12, but Qualcomm has clarified that all the listed iPhone models are affected irrespective of the operating system version.

This case is just a part of the dozens of global patent dispute lawsuits that Qualcomm has filled against Apple in many countries like Germany, South Korea and many others.
It's worth noting that aside the iPhone X that has been taken down, the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 7 are still live on Apple's Chinese official website.

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1 comment:

  1. Make USA no ban China phones in their country, three own go kpome


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