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Xiaomi Mi 5 Starts Receiving MIUI 10 Global Stable Update

The Xiaomi MI 5 might be over 2 years old already but that hasn't stopped Xiaomi from rolling out more software updates for the flagship smartphone. The Mi 5 has just started receiving  the Global stable MIUI 10 update.
The Xiaomi MI 5 has started receiving the stable MIUI 10 Global update with the build number V10.0.1.0.OAAMIFH. The update which is about 549MB in size has already started rolling out via OTA. The new stable MIUI 10 update comes with a couple of new features and improvements such as the new full screen gesture mode, single camera portrait mode, natural sound system and many more.

Below is the full chnagelog as released by Xiaomi;

MIUI 10 Global Stable ROM for Xiaomi Mi 5 Full Changelog
Designed for full screen experience

  • All-new full screen gestures will change the way you interact with your device. They can do everything you used buttons for, except they're faster, smarter, and more convenient
  • All-new UI is tailored for full screen devices and lets the content take the front stage

Natural sound system

  • You won't get tired of natural and ever-changing sounds of the new MIUI
  • We simplified system sounds and applied smart filters, so you'll hear something only when you need to
  • Ambient sounds of the forest, beach, drizzle, stove fire, and summer night will help you to relax and focus on what's important

Other improvements and optimizations

  • AI brings Portrait mode to single camera devices! Blur the background on your portrait shots and look as gorgeous as you feel
  • Other system apps (including Clock and Notes) got a major revamp too

The update has already started rolling out to all MI 5 users globally via OTA but you can also manually download the update by clicking on this LINK.

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