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MTN MPulse Browsing Cheat with Spark VPN (Working Settings) (2018)

Since our beloved MTN N0.0k free browsing cheat has been slashed from 1GB daily to 50MB daily, I guess it's time we switch back to our mPulse data.
I am pretty sure most of you are still flexing the MTN Mpulse browsing cheat with HTTP Injector. Unfortunately, a lot of people have been complaining about being unable to import the HTTP Injector config file due to one reason or the other.
I have decided to post an alternative method using Spark VPN. This is equally as fast as HTTP Injector and also straightforward. So if you are having issues with the HTTP Injector method then you can try Spark VPN.

MTN MPulse Browsing Cheat with Spark VPN
>> Android phone.
>> MTN SIM with MPulse subscription. (Check how to subscribe HERE).
>> Spark VPN APK. Download HERE or HERE.
>> Spark VPN config file. Download HERE or HERE.

(It's advisable you download the config file with uc browser and the file you are downloading must be in Kb and end with .svc and not .APK)

Alternative Config Files:
Incase the first config file doesn't work for you, then you can try the ones below.

Config File 1: Download HERE or HERE.
Config File 2: Download HERE or HERE.
Config File 3: Download HERE or HERE.
Config File 4: Download HERE or HERE.

MTN mPulse Tweak Settings with Spark VPN
>> Download and install Spark VPN from this LINK.
>> Download the MTN MPulse config file HERE.
>> Launch the Spark VPN app and click on tweak at the top right corner.
>> Search for the config file you downloaded earlier and select it.
>> After that, click on start and wait for a few seconds while it connects.
That's all guys.

If you have any question, kindly drop it in the comment section below.

Also, if you find this post helpful, don't forget to kindly share it with your friends and on your various social media platforms.

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  1. Can someone migrate to that with old sim card?

  2. how Can someone use this cheat on pc

  3. I can't fine the mtn configure file on my phone and I've done the subscription already!

  4. For the first time last night the spark vpn is working perfectly but now it says it can't connect due to invalid username or password

  5. This can work on rooted Phone??

  6. I did as you said buh it didn't connect at all. Was using the injector and that one has stopped to. Please what's the way forward Yomi. Thank you for the information

  7. The injector is fine, but this spark updated file has not connected correct it maybe

  8. Injector config for 21st on mpulse seems to be going down always after 4pm

  9. Please how can it be used on PC without an android phone (Modem and PC only)

    1. you can't. you can only connect it with through your phone using PDAnet

    2. you can't. you can only connect it with through your phone using PDAnet

  10. My samsung j3 is always connecting and disconnecting within few seconds. Also writing connection lost. Pls what can be done?

    1. Select another config file from the ones above

  11. It's actually works for me after getting to know about it this October
    so how do i get to know when a new file is available

    1. A new file will always be uploaded before the current file expires. Just check back like a day before the current file expires and download from the same link.

  12. How can you differentiate the old files from the new ones

    1. All the files there are the new ones. They are always updated.

  13. will it work on rooted phone

  14. Please do I need to subscribe with money mpulse and how much data per day?

    1. Yes you do and the data you get depends on the plan you subscribed for .

  15. The files im downloading here are all expired pls resolve the issue thanks!

    1. All the files have been updated, kindly download again.

  16. Please new file oo


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