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MTN Reduces Pulse Night Data Plan Volume - 125MB for N25, 250MB for N50

Not long after MTN announced that it is increasing the price of its SME data share service, the Telco giant has also informed it's subscribers via a text message that the data volume of the pulse night plan has been reduced.
The MTN night plan has always been the best alternative for all those who have stuffs to download but can't afford the regular data price. With the MTN night plan you will get 500mb for just N25 and it's valid from 12:00am to 4:00am of the same day. But now, the 500mb has been reduced to 125mb at the same rate.

According to the text message by MTN, it reads;
Y'ello! when you buy the Pulse Night plan at N25 from 16/08/2018, you now get 125MB. You also get 250MB for N50 and can make multiple purchases. Dial *406# to buy.
So now, N25 will give you 125MB instead of the usual 500MB, while N50 will give you 250MB. Another thing is that you can now subscribe as many times as you want and not like before where you are only allowed to subscribe once per day.

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