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Apple iPhone X Face ID Fooled and Bypassed by Security Firm Using a Face Mask

Last year, Apple pulled a big one on thier fans when they removed the 3.5mm audio earphone jack from their iPhone 7 smartphone. Although that came with a lot of critics, many iPhone users finally got used to it and even some android brands surprisingly joined in the trend.
Now iPhone decided to go a step further by scrapping the Fingerprint Sensor (FPS) on their latest iPhone X, replacing it with a Face ID scanner. As expected, that didn't go down well with a lot of iPhone users as a lot of people questioned the level of security but Apple claims that Face ID is so secure that the odds of a random person using their face to break into someone's iPhone X is one in one million.

Now it seems like a security firm has been able to defeat the new Face ID scanner on the new iPhone X with a mask. According to the security firm which is known Bkav, they claim to understand how AI works on Face ID and was able to bypass the feature and trick it. 

Different materials were used to create certain areas of the mask. For example, silicone was employed for the nose and 3D printing was used on other areas. The security firm says that Apple is relying too much on the feature's Artificial Intelligence.

According to Ngo Tuan Anh,Vice President of Cyber Security, Bkav,
"The mask is crafted by combining 3D printing with makeup and 2D images, besides some special processing on the cheeks and around the face, where there are large skin areas, to fool AI of Face ID."
According to Bkav, the mask which cost $150 has the ability to break into the iPhone X, the mask could be used to learn personal secrets from political leaders, business executives and billionaires. The firm says that facial recognition is not a good security tool and says that when it comes to biometrics, a fingerprint scanner is the best way to keep intruders from breaking into your phone.

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