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MTN Increases Transaction Fee For Share N Sale, Takes Effect 2nd of June and Not 6th of June

The MTN Share N Share is a service that allows users to transfer airtime to other MTN number. This service used to be free until early this year when MTN announced that it will start charging for every Share N sell transaction and that took effect on the 31st of January. 
Now, MTN has just announced again that it will be reviewing the price of the share and sell service, which means the transaction fee will be increased. If you happen to be an MTN user that am pretty sure you have already gotten an SMS from MTN similar to the one below.

"Dear Customer, with effect from June 2, 2017, we have reviewed the transfer fees for all Share n Sell transactions. Visit http://bit.ly/2rIqz31 for more info"

New Transaction Fee For MTN Share N Sale'
1-100Naira transfer will cost 3₦
101-500Naira transfer will cost 5₦
501-1000Naira transfer will cost 10₦
1001-5000Naira transfer will cost 10₦

Contrary to what many people thinks, the new rate actually takes effect on the 2nd of June and not 6th of June. This means that from now henceforth, you will be charged the new MTN 'Share N Sale' transaction fee.

So guys, what do you think about this new development by MTN. If you have any comment or contribution, kindle drop it in the comment section below.

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