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Beware! Google Playstore isn't as Secure and safe from Malware as it Used to be

Malware is not a new thing to the android platform, but downloading apps from the Google playstore used to be the best prevention against malware attack as Google has its own antimalware bots that scans for any infected app on the playstore and takes it down from both the store and infected phone.
Now, it seems the playstore isn't as secured as it used to be before as hackers have now deduced different methods of infiltrating the Google playstore without been detected. Recently, there have been multiple reported cases of malware attack on Android devices and most of them are from the Google playstore.

One of the tactics used by hackers is uploading a non infected app to the playstore and later on push the malicious code to already installed app in form of an update. This way, they are able to bypass Google's security check undetected. This method has been gaining ground as they have been more cases of malware attack on Android devices than ever before.

I guess at this stage, it's safe to say that the Google playstore isn't as safe as it used to be before. For added security, I will advice all android users to make sure they have an effective anti-malware app on their smartphones to be on the safer side.

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