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Telegram Version 4.0 Features video message support, Telescope and Bot Payments

Telegram has just released a new update which is the version 4.0. The new version comes with some really cool features which includes video message support, telescope and Bot payments.
With the latest version of telegram, you will now be able to send video message to any of your contact. Just open any of your chat and click on the mic icon to change it to camera. Now tap and hold the camera icon and start recording your video message.

Your video messages are automatically compressed while you are still recording and this actually makes the video send faster.
Telegram has also integrated telescope to it's app. Telescope is a new video hosting platform majorly for those who likes to communicate with videos. You don't even need a telegram account to actually view videos on telescope.

Whenever you post a video message to a public Channel on telegram, the video will be automatically uploaded to the telescope platform and a public URL which can be accessed by anyone will be auto generated for the video.
The Bot payment is also a new feature on telegram 4.0 which makes possible for users to order for goods and services through telegram Bot and also pay by filling in their credit card details and shipping info.

There is also 2-step verification which will help keep your credit card details safe and also save you the stress of having to fill out your credit card details everytime you want to place an order.

The new telegram version 4.0 update is available for both android and iOS Users and it's available in all regions.

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