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You Will Soon be Able to Post Gifs on Facebook Comment Section

Facebook which is the most popular social media platform is currently working on a new feature that will change the way we comment  on posts. As we all know, you can send gifs in messenger app, but there is actually no native way to use gifs in comments on Facebook.

But now Facebook is working on a new feature which will make it possible to use gifs in comments on Facebook. This days, lot of users prefer commenting with Emojis instead of the traditional way of composing long text. This is one of the major reasons why Facebook has decided to introduce this new feature to it's comment section.

Facebook with start testing the new feature soon with some selected users. The gif button will be available below the comment section and users will be able to post gifs from services like Giphy and Tenor. With time, the feature will be made available to everyone.

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