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Microsoft Adds Animated Gifs Support to the Latest OneDrive for iOS

Microsoft has finally decided to add one of those features that iOS users have been requesting for on the OneDrive app, and that's the support for animated gifs.
Aside that, the latest one drive version 8.8.9 also comes with some other features.
According to Microsoft, users will now be able to easily and instantly switch between accounts by just tapping and holding on the ME tap. Also, OneDrive users who own either work or school accounts will now receive notifications whenever someone shares a file with them.

OneDrive app developers also announced that Support for instant preview has been added in the sites tab. Aside all the newly added features, Microsoft also claims that some major bugs have been fixed in the latest update.

All this new features are available for both the freemium or premium users. So even if you don't own a premium account, you will still enjoy all this newly added features.

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