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Glo Has Increased The Interest Rate of "Borrow me Credit" to 15%

I guess the current economic recession is now really affecting the network providers and they have decided to take it out on we the customers. Glo has just just Increased the Interest Rate of their "Borrow me Credit" to 15%. This is coming less than 24hours after Glo discontinued the Blackberry Internet Service(BIS).
According to a message sent to Glo customers, it reads
 “Dear customer, Please note the service charge on Borrow me Credit recharge will be revised to 15% starting from 21st Dec. 16.”, 

So what this means is that, if you borrow N100 airtime you will pay a service charge of N15. If you borrow l N200 airtime, you will pay a service charge of N30 and if you borrow a sum of N500 airtime, you will pay a service charge fee of N75. 

If you recall, Etisalat actually started the %15 interest rate before Airtel and MTN followed suite and now Glo has decided to join the train.

Let's just hope it doesn't get any worse or affect the current price of data plans as the recession keeps eating up on everything.

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