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Twitter's 140 Character Limit Will Start Counting Words Only Starting From September 19th

The 140 character limit is one thing Twitter has always been known for. While this has really brought out the creativity in many users by letting them express themselves in just 140 characters. Many people on the other hand find it a bit annoying as it most times limit them to the no of character they can express themselves in.
Back then in May, Twitter made an official announcement that it will be making some changes which will affect the 140 character policy. Although you will still be limited to 140 character per tweet but somethings which used to count as character in your tweets will no longer count anymore. examples are Media attachments such as images, GIFs, videos, polls, etc. and also quoted tweets, mentions, @username  will no longer count. And this is actually in a bid to give user's much room to compose a much longer tweet.

Although that announcement might have been  made a few months ago but Twitter is now finally ready to implement this new changes starting from next week,19th of September. As I said earlier, the 140 character limit still stays, what only changes is what counts and doesn't count towards the limit.

Below are list of things that won't count as characters anymore:
=> Media attachment: All media attachments that you add or quote such as images, GIFs, videos, polls will no longer count as tweet anymore. So now you can add your funny memes and not worry about taking up the tweet  space.
=> Replies: whenever you reply a tweet, the person's username will no longer reduce your 140 character limit. So that means you can reply any tweet without even worrying about the length of the username taking up your limited space.
@USERNAME: The "@username" you include whenever you want to mention someone in a tweet or even your own username is also going to be excluded from your tweet. So this will let you mention or quote a username without having to worry about character limit.

So guys let me know what you think about this new changes by dropping your comments below.

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