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New Glo N1000 For 3.2gb, N2,000 For 7.5gb

Just when you think Glo is done, they reappear just like thief in the night. But in this case not to steal from you but to actually give you more. For sometime now, Glo has being offering the most affordable data plan you can get out there but they have even gone further to make it cheaper.
While Etisalat is busy living in the past and the other telecommunication providers are still lagging behind, Glo is winning more customers by slashing the Price of their data plan, Now Glo has added extra 1.2gb to their N1,000 plan, 1.5gb extra to their N2,000 plan. 
I guess the only problem with Glo now is the poor network in many areas. Although am getting a very good network reception here, but same can't be said for everyone. If they can work on fixing the bad network, am pretty sure they will even win more customers.

If you want to subscribe to any of the plans, just make sure you have sufficient airtime on your phone, dial *777# and select the plan of your choice from the available package.

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